Fishing tackle carry precision-FireLine® Filler Spool

Break Strength 4 lb | 1.8 kg 4 lb | 1.8 kg 6 lb | 2.7 kg 8 lb | 3.6 kg 10 lb | 4.5 kg 14 lb | 6.3 kg 17 lb | 7.7 kg 20 lb | 9 kg 30 lb | 13.6 kg
Color Flame Green Smoke Crystal
Length 125 yd | 114m 300 yd | 274 m 125 yd | 114 m

New and improved FireLine® is smoother, tougher, and more sensitive! 8-strand fused technology provides unmatched abrasion resistance making it 5X's tougher than conventional braided lines. It has a smoother, more supple feel for a longer casting FireLine®!