The crankbaits in Brad's Wiggler Series are designed with an attracting, agitating wiggle action that fish love to strike. The diving/floating crank bait lures are great for all types of fish, including salmon, steelhead, trout, bass, walleye, and more! Brad's Wiggler series crank baits, utilizing two-piece molded construction for superior strength and durability, meet the demands from the most avid fishermen for their versatility. A molded-in lip helps Brad's Wigglers with their superb action, diving, floating, and wiggling when trolling, plunking, casting, or back bouncing them. With a wide range of color choices and sizes, several Brad's Wiggler crankbaits must be marked for you! Baits are a superb action, diving/floating crankCan be fished by flat-line trolling, plunking, casting, or back-trollingVMC hooksAttractive and agitating wiggle actionLarge eyesUV reflective paint (UV colors only)Styles:BWW Wee Wiggler: 1/3 oz. 2 1/4? body � Diving Depth: 4-8 ft casting to 10 ft trollingBW Wiggler: 3/8 oz. 3? body � Diving Depth: 6-13 ft casting to 17 ft trollingW-MW Wiggler: 3/4 oz. 3 3/4? body � Diving Depth: 12-18 ft casting to 24 ft trollingQty. per Pack: 1.

Fishing line cast hold-Brad's Wiggler | Green Pirate; 2 in.